Monday, January 9, 2017


Because you didn't want to lose him,
 you lost yourself in the process. 

You became a girl who kept being mistreated
and you formed a habit of saying "I'm used to it". 

You became a girl who kept being unappreciated
and you began to tell yourself "It's okay". 

You became a girl who kept being undervalued
and you learned how to say "I'm fine". 

You became a girl who kept being put last
and you naturally reacted with "It's whatever".

You became a girl who kept being taken for granted 
and you dealt with it by repeating "Everything's okay".

 You became a girl who kept being unhappy
 and you regularly told people "I'm gonna be fine".

 And if you're reading this right now, 
then you need to understand that no guy is worth losing yourself for, 
no guy is worth suffering for at the expense of your happiness, 
and no guy is worth tormenting yourself over
for the sake of making him happy. 

At this point, 
perhaps losing him is the only way you'd be able to get yourself back 
because as much as you wouldn't want this to be true, 

he's the only thing that's in your way of finding yourself 
and he's the only reason you've lost yourself for so long.

-Teddy Nguyen